Special Powers Educational | Teaching kids with super powers!

Special Powers Educational

with Amanda Tapp

Empowering parents to equip their special learners to discover their super powers

We are working hard to bring you all kinds of useful and fun stuff that you can use during class time and as supplements to guide your daily life with your amazing kids! Check back soon to see what we'll offer...better yet, join our email list and be notified when something awesome happens! See the details below for a FREE Visual Morning Schedule to print out and use!

Special Powers Educational

with Amanda Tapp

Empowering parents to equip their special learners to discover their super powers

We are working hard to bring you all kinds of useful and fun stuff that you can use during class time and as supplements to guide your daily life with your amazing kids! Check back soon to see what we'll offer...better yet, join our email list and be notified when something awesome happens! See the details below for a FREE Visual Morning Schedule to print out and use!

Free Printable Visual Morning Schedule

Preview of the Morning Schedule Downloadable PrintoutEnter your name and email address for great tips and resources for developing the special powers in your super student!

You'll also receive this free download that you can printout and use for your learner's morning schedule. It comes with instructions and suggestions for customizing it to fit your day and your student's needs.

Individuals with and without special needs thrive when using a schedule. It helps them visualize their day, make the most of their time, and having a predictable schedule day after day helps boost confidence in their ability to self-guide. This particular schedule can be used from the moment they wake up in the morning until lunch time.